Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Orleans Magick Pictures

Today was such a sweet day. I took Freddie on a (quasi) anniversary date since we got together just over a year ago. We headed out on our bikes and picked up some delicious Po'Boys (did a round in the photo booth) and headed off to picnic in City Park. It was a perfect beautiful day with the best weather I've had in New swamp ass which was nice. Then after hanging out by the chime tree and swinging on the benches we went to the Country Club, a gay swimming bar (used to be nude too!). It felt like walking into a music video with a bunch of beautiful queers laughing and swimming around in the sunshine. We swam around, went in the hot tub, and then rode our floppy bodies back home to enjoy some home cooked wild boar tacos for dinner!

Truly loving our time in New Orleans....

1 comment:

  1. happy quasi anniversary! you guys have packed a seriously impressive amount into a year.

